Watch Video: 8 Things That Women Do When Alone In The House..... No 4 & 8 Will Shock Every One - Click Here

1. Farting Super Loud 
There’s a wise quote that came from probably a not-so-wise man which goes like: you know the relationship has started when she starts farting loudly around you.

2. Walking around the house in underwear and no bra When alone in the house women love this so much. They walk around the house barely in nothing since the feeling is just mind blowing.

3. Singing like they performing at a concert They love singing loudly and dancing when alone.

4. Masturbate When alone, women usually touch themselves till they cum. Some use s_x toys while others prefer just suing their hands.

5. Stalking their ex-lovers on social media Money women admit that they secret go through their ex’s social media account when alone to see how they are since they broke up.

6. Make Crazy Faces In The Bathroom Mirror They stand on the mirror and make crazy faces for hours. They also tell themselves how cute they are and that all men would want to be with them.

7. Eat and Eat and Eat Then they ask you why they are getting fat?6. Make Crazy Faces In The Bathroom Mirror They stand on the mirror and make crazy faces for hours. They also tell themselves how cute they are and that all men would want to be with them.

8. Check out their ass When alone women and mirror are best friends. They check each and every part of their body but mostly, they like seeing their ass on the mirror
